온라인 광고
Online Advertisement
한국일보는 기업의 브랜드 효과 증대를 위한 최적의 플랫폼을 제공합니다.
  • 미주 한인커뮤니티 웹사이트중 가장 많은 조회수와 방문자수
  • 미대륙에 폭넓게 진출하여 있는 High Society의 국제감각을 지닌 독자들
  • 비교될 수 없는 파급효과를 지닌 심층있는 광고

National Rates

Dimension Placement (Main +Article Page) Monthly Rate
240x70 Left $3,150
240x70 Right $3,150
Dimension Placement (Main Page) Monthly Rate
728x90 Top $5,250
Middle $4,200
Bottom $3,150
160x600 Left $5,250
Right $5,250
300x250/250x250 Top $4,200
Middle $3,150
Bottom $2,100
468x60 Middle $2,625
Dimension Placement (Article + Section Page) Monthly Rate
728x90 Top $3,937
Bottom $3,150
160x600 Left $3,937
Right $3,937
300x250/250x250 Top $3,150
Middle $2,625
468x60 Middle $2,625

GEO Targeting Rates

Dimension Placement (Main +Article Page) Monthly Rate
728x90 Top TBD
Middle TBD
Bottom TBD
160x600 Left TBD
Right TBD
300x250/250x250 Top TBD
Middle TBD
Bottom TBD
468x60 Middle TBD
Dimension Placement (Main +Article Page) Monthly Rate
728x90 Top TBD
Bottom TBD
160x600 Left TBD
Right TBD
300x250/250x250 Top TBD
Middle TBD
468x60 Middle TBD

Mobile Website Rates

Dimension Placement (Main +Article Page) Monthly Rate
320x50 Top TBD
Middle TBD
300x250 Bottom TBD
Dimension Placement (Article Page) Monthly Rate
320x50 Top TBD
300x250 Bottom TBD

Media Kit

File Download


  1. File Formats Accepted
    GIF, JPG, PNG, SWF, 3rd party ad tag
  2. File Size Limit
  3. Resolution
    72 dpi (dots per inch)
  4. Color Profile
    RGB only
  5. Border
    1-pixel border must be visible in ad if background is white (#ffffff) to differentiate from content area
  6. Animation
    Animation may loop 3x, 24 fps, 15 seconds max recommended for standard ad units.
  7. Click-through URL
    Click URL must be included when creative files are submitted or through a 3rd party ad tag. Length cannot exceed 1,000 characters.
  8. Flash
    All SWF Flash files must contain a clickTAG and should be published for Flash Player 10.0 or an earlier version.
  9. Content
    Ads must not be designed to blend in with the site, mimic editorial fonts/colors, include fake form elements or incorporate graphic symbols that represent non-existent functionality. If the creative has the same background color as the site, it must contain a visible border.



(323) 692-2601